Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Here is the final (unfinished) result, now the spam and trolls begin.
Brace yourselves spam is coming.
now you see the horror I was forced by the teacher to crate a word to the wise DONT LOOK!!!!!    

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

website report

My tyrannical lord and master (teacher) has demanded another report to be splattered like spam on the Internets!!!! this is just a spoiler mockup of horrible quality that gives you no idea of what it will look like anyway. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

project report

the plot thickens my excellent exalted teacher demands further useless posts about the project that frankly would be better as a surprise however I must spoil the surprise and inform the world that I will be using the blue on as my font since I like blue. done I have satisfied the whims of my master.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

as requested by the glories dictatorial teacher I have shown this great screenshot of the start of the plan wouldn't be better if it was done.. right? instead of showing this for all the Internets to spam and troll and lol.  sigh the glory of the education system.

Monday, October 28, 2013

forced requests

my most glories teacher has demanded I make some sort of website about something the subject does not matter. yeh freedom to choose makes choosing IMPOSSSABRU I have chosen against my better judgement to do a quick history the world and make it vaguely entertaining. I have bitten more then I can chew. god help me.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1. define the site 
2. create the index html 
3. create the style .css file
4. make a div called red
5.linked index html to style css the "red" div
7. add div's called"orange" "yellow" "green" blue" "indigo" "violet"
8. style div's called "orange" "yellow" "green" "blue" "indigo" "violet"
9. add banner
10. add background

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Questions from the Teacher (OH BOLLOCKS)

questions from the Teacher (oh bollocks)

my teacher has requested (god save me) I answer some stuff about graphics.

question number 1: what are the two main types of image. simply bitmap and vector.
the difference is bitmap is made of TONS of pixels this is usually fine but when you zoom in the image becomes blurred or pixellated not too great eh? VECTOR on the other hand contains instructions to re size so I can make it massive but of course this can get sketchy if the  image is complex so bitmap has a use.

question number 2: what is one example of graphics software? pretty much anything you use to make an image counts it could be Photoshop or that pathetic only virtue being free paint or something a professional in England would pay hundreds of pounds for (hell) 

question number 3: name 5 common graphics tools. a graphics tool is something like pencil.
pencil(who did not see that coming)
erase or rubber
and color picker.

question number 4: what are four ways you can source text? I have no idea oh wait your supposed to resurch ................OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH 
create from scratch
scanned image
digital camera
and da dun na dah
import an existing image.